Futaba 9VAP Manual de usuario

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Pagina 1 - PCM 1024A



Mini StandUse this fold-out Mini Stand as shown when lay-ing the transmitter down. This makes operationeasier and protects the transmitter and m

Pagina 3 - •FEATURES

Monitor Lamps4. ELE.D/R Elevator Dual Rate throwadjustment(This trimmer is ineffective if ELV D/R is notset to ACT)See D/R instructions page5. ELE.AF

Pagina 4 - SERVO FP-S9101 +S5101

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUES•OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.• When adjusting and setting the transmitter functions, connect the receiver and servos, andm

Pagina 5 - •RATINGS

Setting Instructions1) Display the standard screen.2) Reset the Total Timer by pressing the two program keys simultaneously. RES3)Press the key. The


'ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESTACHO METERTachometerThe tachometer function is used to measure the speed on one to five-bladed propellers, et


Back Up WarningBack Up WarningWhen the stored data is lost, the characters"BACK UP" blink on the screen and a buzzersounds. When the power

Pagina 8 - Charging

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESREVERSEServo ReversingThis function is used to changethe direction of servo operation in relation to control stickor

Pagina 9

Fail Safe and Hold General InstructionsFail Safe• F/S or HOLD can be selected for each channel(1 to 8).• Channels selected for HOLD will remain inHOLD

Pagina 10 - Flip up with

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESADJUSTABLE TRAVEL VOLUME• The ATV function is used to adjust servo travel limits. Servo travel can be adjusted inde

Pagina 11

ADJUSTABLE FUNCTION RATEAFR is a servo endpoint limiting function, similar to ATV with three exception:1. AFR limits only the Dual Rate OFF (HighRate


Thank you for purchasing a FUTABAdigital proportional radio control setPlease read this manual carefully before using your set.The last page of this

Pagina 13

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESDUAL RATEDual Rate functions allow the modeler to switch servo travel limits in flight, thus varyingthe control sens

Pagina 14 - Low Battery Warning

Auto Dual Rate• Dual Rate functions may be switched ON and OFF automatically, according to the Throttle (CH3)control stick position.1) Move the c


ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESSelect the EDIT screen, and move the cursor to Line 2 with the » or t cursor key.Exponential Mixing Trim Parameter

Pagina 16

TYPE 1 Positive TYPE 2 PositiveWith this type of curve, control response will be mademore sensitive near neutral and less sensitive as the stickis

Pagina 17

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESMIXING• Mixing allows two or more channels to be controlled by a single transmitter control stickor lever. This set f


PROGRAMABLE MIXProgrammable MixingFour separate Programmable Mixing circuits allow almost infinite mixing combinations. Thefeatures of this program pr


ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESMaster and Slave Channel SelectionIn the first example shown, THR (Throttle) is set at "mas". The Master ch

Pagina 20 - DUAL RATE

Combination of Mixing CircuitsProgrammable mixing circuits can be combinedwith each other, or with built-in mixing circuitsby two methods.1) Setting

Pagina 21 - End Soft Key

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUES•Combinations allow more efficient use of thenumber of mixing circuits. An example isshown below.and is set. The c

Pagina 22

Mixing ON/OFF Switch SelectionProgrammable Mixing can be designated as "alwaysON" or switched ON and OFF in flight by anyfour different swit

Pagina 23

•FEATURESThe PCM1024A was specially-developed to meet the needs of the serious and demandingR/C hobbyist. Numerous features make this system adaptabl

Pagina 24 - Setting Method

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESF3A Pattern AircraftThe figures below show multiple mixing func-tions in an F3A contest aircraft. Both built-inand

Pagina 25 - Programmable Mixing

F3B R/C Gliders• Variable Wing Camber (Flaps and Flapperons) and Glide Path Control ("Butterfly" or "CROW" Mixing)• CH1 and

Pagina 26

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESSNAP ROLLSnap rolls can be performed using the Snap Switch.Four snap roll directions can be set: R/U (right up), R/D

Pagina 27

1. Snap roll not performed whenLOCK. Snap roll performed whenFREE.5) Snap Roll direction can be selected during flight using the switches on the trans

Pagina 28

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESWING TYPEThe WING TYPE program includes four built-inmixing circuits.1. Aileron Differential2. Flapperons3. Elevon4.

Pagina 29 - PROG. MIX Switch

NOTE: 1) When aileron differential is activated4) Set the throw of the AIL (CH1) servo withthe , or program key. Tochange the direction of operation o

Pagina 30

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESWhen OFFSET is used. 0°. 45°, 60°flaps can be used.4) Set the throw of the AIL-2ND (CH6) servo bymovinq the cursor to

Pagina 31 - F3B R/C Gliders

ELEVONElevon mixing can be used with delta wing aircraft, flying wings, tail-less aircraft, flyingdiscs, etc. CH1 and CH2 are used as the operating ch

Pagina 32

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESV-TAILV-Tail mixing is used for certain sailplanes, scale model Beechcraft Bonanzas, and other air-craft with V-Tails

Pagina 33

AIR BRAKEAir-Brake is a pre-set, switch-activated mixing circuit that will deploy flaps (or flapperons),spoilers, and necessary elevator trim when the

Pagina 34 - (Aileron Differential)

RECEIVER FP-R129DP• Extremely quick response, high resolution, andhigh reliability are achieved with a newly-developed, low voltage PCM decoder.•

Pagina 35 - FLAPPERON

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUES5) Set the servo throw at mixing by moving thecursor to the FLP, ELV, or SPO position withthe cursor keys and setti

Pagina 36

PITCH CONTROL MIXINGVariable pitch propellers allow more constant speed aerobatics by providing an airbrake ef-fect (reverse pitch) and the ability to

Pagina 37

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESElevator-> Flap MixingElevator -> Flap coupling can be helpful in square-cornered loops. A small amount of flap

Pagina 38

TRIM• Trim AuthorityWhen Trim adjustments are too sensitive (Ex:One notch on the trim lever in either direction istoo much) the Trim Rate (Authorit

Pagina 39 - AIR BRAKE

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESTrim Memory1) After the model is "trimmed out" and flyingwell, land and select the TRIM screen.2) Move the


PARAMETERServo Test: Each servo is operated in linear fash-ion from neutral, to its maximum and minimumpositions. The operation is repeated sequential


ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESMODEL SELECTModel Select Functions1) Settings and data for up to 6 different modelscan be stored independently in the

Pagina 42 - Elevator-> Flap Mixing

yesand cursor keys andpress the program key. A message askingif the selection is to be executed will be dis-played. To execute the selection, press

Pagina 43

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUES•MODEL COPY FUNCTION•The Copy function allows the programmed data and trim positions for one model to be duplicated

Pagina 44 - Trim Memory

Move the cursor to Line 3 of the EDIT screen with the cursor key.NAMEA model name of up to 8 characters and a username of up to 10 characters can be

Pagina 45 - PARAMETER

•SET CONTENTSModelTransmitterReceiverServosSwitchNicd BatteryMisc.FP-9VAPFP-T9VAP x 1FP-R129DPx 1FP-S9101 x4,orS5101 x4SSW-J x 1NR-4J x 1Battery char

Pagina 46 - MODEL SELECT

ADJUSTMENTS AND FLIGHT TECHNIQUESSERVO (Transmitter Test Mode)Transmitter control movements are shown on a bar graph representing servo movement forch

Pagina 47

RESETThe RESET function can be used to return programmed data to the original factory set-tings. Certain functions can be reset individually (Items 1—


•SPLINED HORNThe splined horns allow adjustment of the servo neutralposition at the servo horn.Neutral position adjustmenta) Angle divisionsTo shift t

Pagina 49

•FP-S9101EXPLODED VIEW•FP-S5101EXPLODED VIEWNo.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425Part NameUpper caseMiddle caseBottom caseBall bearingPotentio

Pagina 50 - SERVO (Transmitter Test Mode)

•T9VHP SOFT MAP 1This soft map shows which soft key changes whichfunction key when a soft key (DATA INPUT key) waspressed.Use it when setting data.

Pagina 52 - •SPLINED HORN

•T9VAP TRANSMITTER CONTROLSCharger and DSC andexternal voltagemeasurement terminalconnector(54)ElevatorAileronSoft keys6 Flap knob/flap trimmer (CH6)

Pagina 53 - •FP-S5101

Spare crystal holdersTransmitterNicad BatterySnap rolldirectionswitchRf moduleSnap rolldirectionswitchBattery box cover

Pagina 54 - •T9VHP SOFT MAP 1

•T9VAP SOFT MAP 2This portable soft map shows which soft keys change to which function keys when a soft key (DATA INPUT key) waspressed. Use it when

Pagina 55

To insure prompt service, please follow the instructions given below.1. Charge the batteries for at least 18 hours prior to shipment.2. Return the sys


•RECEIVERS AND SERVOSReceiver, servo, switch, and battery connectionsFive servosaresuppliedas standardCH9 ServoLanding GearAdaptorNR-4JPower SwitchCH

Pagina 57

Printed in Japan/9l0905BO

Pagina 58 - •T9VAP SOFT MAP 2


Pagina 59

BATTERY CHARGING INSTRUCTIONS(Transmitter and Receiver Nicd Batteries)Before operating your system, recharge the Nicd batteries as follows:•Connect t

Pagina 60 - Printed in Japan/9l0905BO

•BASIC TRANSMITTER T9VAP CONTROLS.Refer to the fold-out illustration in the back of the manual.1. Aileron2.Elevator3. Throttle4. Rudder5. Landing Gear

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